Child Custody

Whether they are married or not, when a couple decides to separate and children are involved it must be determined where the children will live and how much time the children will spend with each parent. In most cases, child custody issues are relatively simple and handled amicably through mediation. However, in some cases, where there is a higher level of conflict or legal findings such as abuse, neglect, alcohol and drug abuse, or any other factors that can negatively impact the child.

Custody matters must be brought to court so that a judge can determine what is actually in the best interests of the child. The well-being of their child is, of course, the most important thing to our clients. However, protecting your rights as a parent is our mission. The Law Offices of John P. McCall Jr., located in Dallas Texas, has decades of experience navigating the nuances of this area of family law and we will work diligently to help you make informed and safe decisions.

Child Support

Deciding who to represent you in a child support case is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. If you choose the wrong person the effects will be devastating to you and your children. This is because once these types of orders get entered in from family law conflicts they are extremely difficult to change. Understandably, because of the often complex nature of child support cases, many of our clients are afraid of the unknown and what’s going to happen. We hear common questions like: “am I going to lose my children?” and “ am I going to lose my home?”. Child support cases can arise in any family law circumstance where children are involved such as divorce, relocation, conservator status change and child custody modifications. Family law courts in Texas are legally obligated to ensure that a suitable child support plan that is consistent with the law is in place to ensure that the parents sufficiently support their own children rather than relying on public assistance. With dozens of variables at play, and often ambiguous information available, family law matters involving children are necessarily complicated requiring representation from a highly knowledgeable and experienced lawyer. The Law Offices of John P. McCall Jr. has successfully represented hundreds of clients throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area in a wide variety of child support cases. We are ready to assist you with establishing the best child support arrangement, modifying an existing child support order and/or the enforcement of child support obligations.

Child Support Attorney for Mothers

There are very specific procedures and time frames in the State of Texas for a mother to pursue financial child support from the biological father. There are many factors that determine what the amount of the support paid is. Some of these factors include the number of children that are being supported, the income of the person paying and other specific agreements between the parties that are approved by the court.
Regardless of the amount that should be paid, mothers that are not receiving child support through the Texas Attorney General’s Office should speak to a qualified child support lawyer as soon as possible to seek payments. While mothers are entitled to financial support from the father of the children for the entire time the children are minors and in their care, seeking retroactive payments can be difficult and the more time that passes the more difficult it is to start child support payments.
Some mothers can be hesitant to seek child support from fathers who are not a part of the kid’s lives and they would like to keep it that way. If the court has determined that it is not in the best interests of the child to grant conservatorship or visitation rights to the father, seeking financial child support from them will not affect that ruling.

Child Support Attorney for Fathers

In the State of Texas child support is paid to the person who is raising the child(ren) and is determined to be the managing conservator. In many cases that role is occupied by the mother of the children but there is a growing number of fathers who find themselves in that role. If you are raising your children alone you are entitled to financial assistance from the other parent of the child(ren). If you are a father seeking child support from the mother of your child(ren) it is crucial to work with an attorney that understands the history of these laws and statutes and how to apply them to the specific challenges that fathers face when seeking child support. The Law Offices of John P. McCall Jr. has successfully obtained child support orders for Texas fathers. We can help you too.

Child Custody Modifications

Changing the terms of your child custody arrangement is not a difficult process in Dallas and other Texas counties. However, it is vital that it done in court and all parties follow the letter of the law during the modification process. Working with an attorney with the experience to know where the common pitfalls arise will make sure that you are not held in contempt of court for violating the custody orders that are already in place.

One of the most damaging mistakes that people can make is to make verbal agreements that are contrary to the existing court order. For example, changes to pick-up times or locations, possession days, switching possession on certain holidays or weekend, and going on “unplanned” vacations. If you do not follow the stated custody schedule exactly as described in your order you can be held in contempt and that may affect your rights in the future.
The best course of action is to seek a legal modification of your current custody arrangement that reflects your needs as soon as possible after your circumstances change.

Modifying an existing child support order

While the specifics of Texas law regarding child support and custody will be modified or updated from time to time, the circumstances of the people that those laws affect is dynamic and constantly changing. Oftentimes, even if both parents, or other interested parties, reach a mutually beneficial arrangement through mediation or alternative dispute resolution at the time, with change, there will be a need to modify that arrangement to meet the current circumstances. Any child support or child custody modification must be taken to court and approved by a judge in the appropriate county to be valid. Our founding attorney, John P. McCall Jr. is highly experienced in handling cases involving parenting plans, residential schedules, and child custody and understands that these are very emotionally charged situations that may have profound consequences to his clients and their children. If you are thinking about filing for, or have been served papers, regarding a divorce a parenting plan modification, paternity, a change of conservatorship, don’t go it alone, call our office today request a free child support consultation.

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